Thrivival is a metaphysical place of my own imagining where comfort and freedom reside; it has become my ‘safe place,’ where I retreat inward to find calm and solace. Here, on, I’ve represented Thrivival with a seven-petaled geometric symbol of my own creation. I spent significant time designing and evolving this symbol (with the help of my dear, talented, sweet soul sister, Celeste Alles and my daughter, Fynn—thank you, Celeste and Fynn!).

Thrivival Symbol Elements
Here’s an overview of the elements of the Thrivival symbol and what they represent to me:
- Seven Circles: Based on the sacred geometric symbol of the Seed of Life, 7 overlapping circles form the symbol’s shape; these represent the Seven Universal Laws we explore in the Thrivival course.
- Seven Colours: 7 colours of the rainbow, overlapping, representing the full spectrum of experience.
- Seven-Pointed Star: The centre forms a 7-pointed star or heptagram. Known as the Faery Star or Elven Star, it has been used in times past to ward off evil; in Christianity, the heptagram traditionally symbolizes the seven days of creation. As the zero point in the centre of the circle, it expresses elemental reality in the eternal now.
- Seed of Life: Like a dandilion seed pod, incorporating the Fibonacci Spiral, nature’s archetypal pattern and like an Imaginal Disc, containing the master plan for manifesting physical reality.
- Big Top of a Circus Tent: The ariel view of the top of a circus tent—a place for festivals, frivolity, fun, and a reprieve from the stresses of everyday life.
- Ferris Wheel: The side view of a ferris wheel—as envisioned in my Ho’oponopono practice—raising us to new heights with broader perspectives, and then bringing us safely back down to earth again.
- Torus: As seen from above—and represented by the infinity symbol when viewed as a cross-section—this deeply symbolic geometric shape represents the universe and is fundamental to harnessing zero-point energy.
The Sacred Number Seven & Septimal Law, as illustrated in:
- 7 Colors in a Rainbow
- 7 Days of the Week
- 7 Days for each Phase of the Moon
- 7 Musical Notes
- 7 Bodily Chakras
- 7 Earthly Chakras
- 7 Days for Skin to completely Regenerate
- 7 Years for the Skeleton to completely Regenerate
- 7-Year Biological Cycles
- 7 Levels of Consciousness in the Tarot
- 7 Dimensions experienced physically on Earth

Heptagram with Pythagorean Reduction:
Schläfli symbol: 7/3
7 + 3 = 10
1 + 0 = 1 unity consciousness
Dual polygon: self
Edges and vertices: 7
Internal angle (degrees): ≈25.714°
2 + 5 + 7 + 1 + 4 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
1 + 0 = 1 unity consciousness
Thrivival Categories
The 7 ‘petals’ of the Thrivival symbol also represent the 7 categories into which I have divided the Thrivival blog posts. The Five Platonic Solids formed the basis of these categories, but I have added two more to form seven. So, though I have taken some liberties with interpretation and connections, these categories do align with archetypal patterns and symbols associated with the esoteric teachings of Hermes in the Emerald Tablet, the Egyptian mystery schools, and beyond.
Here’s an overview of the elements of the seven categories of Thrivival thoughts and what they represent to me:
- EARTH: Grounding Down
Symbolized by the hexahedron, aligned with the root chakra, and governing the universal Law of Cause & Effect, Earth situates us within the physical body. Embodied through each individual breath, Earth beckons us to ground ourselves to terra firma, reconnecting with the natural world. - FIRE: Igniting Creativity
Symbolized by the tetrahedron, aligned with the sacral chakra, and governing the universal Law of Gender and Gestation, Fire ignites our powers of creativity.Expressed through art and sexuality, Fire inspires us to engage our imaginations with passionate enthusiasm. - METAL: Rising Up
Symbolized by the star tetrahedron, aligned with the solar plexus chakra, and governing the universal Law of Polarity, Metal incites courage.Perceived through the mind, Metal rallies us to rise up against tyranny and injustice, to break down old patterns that no longer serve us, and rebuild societal norms—spiritual alchemy—Iron sharpens iron. - ENERGY: Seeing Connections
Symbolized by the torus or sphere, aligned with the heart chakra, and governing the universal Law of Rhythm, Energy rationalizes compassion on the Earthly plain.Perceived through the intellect, Energy is the empathy that encourages us to see connections—I am that and that and that. - WATER: Navigating Life
Symbolized by the icosahedron, aligned with the throat chakra, and governing the universal Law of Vibration, Water pluralizes memory within the 3rd dimensional construct of time.Perceived through the personality, Water is the mental gravity that anchors us within this lifetime—I am that. - AIR: Ascending Dimensions
Symbolized by the octahedron, aligned with the third eye chakra, and governing the universal Law of Correspondence, Air integrates consciousness with physical reality.Perceived through the ego, Air is the emotional levity that empowers us to ascend dimensions—i am that I AM.“The all are the One.” - AETHER: Enacting Consciousness
Symbolized by the dodecahedron, aligned with the crown chakra, and governing the universal Law of the Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, Aether transcends physical reality into ‘7th Heaven.’ Perceived through the spirit as divine source, harmonious and whole, Aether arises from elemental reality in the eternal now—unity consciousness—I AM.“The One is the All.”
I’ve expressed my fascination with numbers and symbols through the main character in my middle-grade novel, Genevieve’s Worlds—in which 11-year-old Genevieve Harris loves math, geometry, and big words.
* From Chapter 1 of Genevieve’s Worlds
“Gennie,” my Granny calls from the little galley kitchen, “the ladies will be here to play cards at seven. You need to clear your art stuff off the table.”
“Okay,” I reply without taking my eyes off my notebook.
Today is my 8th month birthday. With my purple felt-tipped pen, I write out today’s date again:
1 always represents new beginnings. And yet, it’s been same-old, same-old here all day today.
Regardless, Happy 8-month birthday to me.
Four more months ‘til I turn 12.
From the other side of the couch, I hear a knock at my Granny’s screen door and the squeak of it opening—somebody’s here early or I’ve lost track of time. I crawl quickly backward out of my tent, and climb up over the back of the couch to clean up my stuff.
“Hi Lenora,” I say, politely, if unenthusiastically. Of Granny’s four ‘cronies,’ as she calls them, I like Lenora the least. (The first time I heard it, I had to ‘Define: crony.’ Cro·ny. A close friend or companion, especially a long-standing one. From the Greek word khronios meaning ‘long-lasting’ and from khronos meaning ‘time.’)
Lenora unceremoniously slumps into one of the two bench seats around the built-in kitchen table and watches me as I gather up my scattered sheets of graph paper—each one covered with lines and circles, geometric shapes and patterns. I form them into a neat pile with my pencils, eraser, rulers, and compass on top. On the table, still sit six small three-dimensional shapes carved out of different shades of natural quartz rock.
“What are these?” asks Lenora, picking one up and running her fingers over its smooth edges.
“The Platonic Solids,” I reply flatly, automatically reciting the explanation I wrote in a school project in Grade Four and stood at the front of the class to present: “They’re special geometric shapes named after Plato. He was a Greek philosopher. Plato said they represented the earthly elements. Some people believe they are the building blocks of the universe. It’s called ‘sacred geometry’…”
“Really?” she interrupts with a sarcastic snort as she tosses my precious crystal back down onto the table with a thud.
Really mature, I think to myself. Unlike my smoothly polished Platonic solids, Lenora’s pretty rough around the edges. Ah, well, my Grade Four classmates didn’t ‘get’ them either.
I’ve also explored this metaphysical place I’ve called Thrivival in The Dragon Book—in which Hannah, a girl about the same age as Genevieve, runs away with her horse and finds her true home where she reunites with all her other aspects.
* From Chapter 1 of The Dragon Book
My park bench sits atop the ‘living roof’ of my humble home—humble by choice for I need little and spend even less-than-little time within it; I prefer to live outdoors with my companions. But, I enjoy spending time atop my home! From this rooftop vantage point, a storey-and-a-half up, I can see much of the community in which I live. The community that I founded—or, perhaps more accurately, the community that found and founded me.
Our little commune sits comfortably in the shape of a wagon wheel (or, from a three-dimensional perspective, you could say in the shape of a half-torus). I sit on the outer rim, looking inward across seven pie-shaped gardens, separated by ‘spokes’ in the form of gravel walkways. They all meet at a circular moat that surrounds a giant, ancient tree with seven broad limbs that curve out and up to form the shape of a shallow cup. Nestled within the chalice of the tree’s limbs, hovers an ornate globe, the shape of an interconnected double-torus, that rotates smoothly around itself. It looks like a sculpture; it acts like a perpetual motion machine; and it accomplishes much more than either of these. For, this sculpture is actually a free-energy apparatus that fuels our entire community—silently, cleanly, and completely independently—our own Tree of Life.
Our interconnected homes form the outer rim of the wagon-wheel circle. They have the beauty of a Frank Lloyd Wright design, the environmental ingenuity of the most eco-friendly earthship, and the comfort of every convenience one could desire in this newest of new millenniums—all encapsulated into the charm of a hobbit house, complete with plump round doors, domed ceilings, bevelled skylights, and pot-belly stoves. For, although each home looks inward toward the centre through expansive greenhouse windows, the outer edge of the circle has been covered over with earth to form the living roof on which I sit.
Over the last hundred years, the population of this community has grown and the architecture has expanded outward to match it. I don’t mean that we have constructed extension upon extension, addition upon addition—that would not create a pleasing plan. I mean that the circle, and the land itself, has expanded in size to not only accommodate but anticipate our needs, naturally and completely without mechanical intervention—as inconspicuously and fluidly as the earth spins on its axis around the sun. It is a master architecture, envisioned by a master architect, and executed equally masterfully—the epitome of ‘intelligent design’ (even if I do say so myself, having been the one to design it).
I hope that the symbols, thoughts, and ideas throughout this blog intrigue you as much as they fascinate me. Welcome to Thrivival—happy exploring!